Tuesday, March 4, 2014

“You are ALWAYS Interviewing…”

I must admit, I Love People-Watching.  I probably should have earned my Masters in Psychology instead of my MBA. I find human beings fascinating.
Although I try not to be judgmental, I must admit that I do "make judgments" or formulate conclusions about people.
Cases in Point:
#1 - I love communication. I am a staunch writer and a tough evaluator in Toastmasters. I tend to make judgments about people in relation to their writing & speaking ability.
[Those that are phenomenal, such as, James Earl Jones (the voice of CNN); Dennis Haysbert (spokesperson for Allstate Insurance); & Morgan Freeman, I strive to learn from them.]
If you have earned a Bachelor’s Degree in college – especially a Master or Doctorate Degree, I have an “expectation” of very proficient writing & speaking skills. When I read tons of “grammatical” errors or typos via email or on Social Media, I can’t help but pause and say…”Huh?”
Or better yet…when I hear an “educated” individual use a lot of profanity…I can’t help but think to myself…”Your language indicates that you are a high school drop-out or that you didn’t even earn a GED. How can you have a College Degree, an MBA, Phd or an EdD?”
#2 - I am actively on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, & Google+. I am dabbling into Instagram and Tumblr.
Question: Do your profiles on Social Media reflect who you are?Your Integrity? Your Decision-Making Skills? Your People Skills? Your Communication Skills? Your Morals and Values?
This is usually evident by the language you use; the pictures you post; the things you “LIKE”; and the responses you post.
I know that I personally make judgments about people regarding this…and I assume they are making judgments about me, as well.
#3 – I love networking...and not just in a professional setting. I personally greet and observe everyone I encounter…whether it be a restaurant waiter, a bank teller, a fast-food employee handling the drive-through window, the church usher, a postal worker, the UPS Delivery Man, the department store clerk, a janitor, a celebrity, a key-note speaker, someone in a doctor's office waiting room…EVERYONE.
Example: I watch how others treat waiters or waitresses, if they leave them a tip. I also check out the waiter or waitress to see if they deliver awesome service.
#4 - I am very “entrepreneurial.” I am always evaluating people to be key employees in my future “Fortune 500 Company.” (Hey?? It could happen...)
#5 - I also get a thrill in being resourceful...in connecting people together. I am extremely selective in who I "refer" and review others closely to see if they are someone I can recommend to my 1,000+ LinkedIn Connections and 997 Facebook Friends.  
I ALWAYS assume that people are watching me…because I guarantee you...I am watching you...

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