Monday, February 10, 2014

“Searching for Ranch Dressing”

I woke up at 3:35 a.m. one morning, highly annoyed. It all stemmed from a vivid dream I had. It went something like this:

I am sitting at one of the front-row, reserved tables at an elegant luncheon. I am here to receive the coveted Distinguished Service Award in the presence of approximately 1,000 individuals and dignitaries.

I am dressed in a crisp linen, khaki pants suit, with a springtime floral blouse, and comfortable but fashionable, 3-inch, burgundy heels.

As I sit at my table, alone, before the guests arrive, I decide to proceed with eating my salad, which has been pre-set on the beautifully, decorated tables. I don’t like to speak immediately after eating.

Placed in front of me is a very eye-pleasing salad. It has mixed greens, grape tomatoes, multi-colored peppers, cucumbers, mushrooms and a sprinkling of pine nuts. I love colorful food!

I bless my food, and reach for the salad dressing. I have a strong desire for Ranch Dressing. I see a silver dressing container, but at first glance, it appears to have only a smidgen of Ranch Dressing in it.  Another container has Balsamic Vinaigrette. Although I like Balsamic, my taste buds are dead-set on Ranch Dressing.

I politely ask the waiter for more Ranch Dressing, preferably Low-Fat or Lite.
He says he will oblige. After about 5 minutes, I am growing slowly anxious. I want to eat my salad so I can enjoy it and be nicely digested before the attendees arrive.  I like plenty of dressing on my salad. 

I stop another waiter and ask him for my Ranch Dressing. He apologizes for the tardiness of the other waiter, and moves with a sense of urgency to fulfill my request.

Another 5 minutes pass, and still…no Ranch Dressing. Needless to say, anticipation and a tad bit of nervousness begin to kick in. My patience is wearing thin. 

I ever so subtly go to the back service area door, waiting for the next waiter or the manager to appear.  After about 5 minutes, the Service Manager comes out. With extreme patience and bridled irritation, I explain to the manager my dilemma.
I tell him that I am an Award Recipient that has requested twice simply for some Ranch Dressing, preferably Low-Fat or Lite.

He apologizes profusely and insists that he will bring it to my table himself. I return quietly to my seat, pleased that my salad dressing issue has been resolved. I quietly concentrate on my acceptance speech.

However, another 5 minutes pass, and still…no Ranch Dressing. My irritation has exceeded my patience limit. I quietly, but sternly go back to the Service Door again. 

After a few moments of no-one-coming-out, I enter. 

Having to do this much unnecessary walking in heels was yet another source of my growing aggravation. I proceed down a semi-dimmed hallway to the service kitchen. I stand there in amazement! 

There are approximately 75 servers, all doing their jobs serving the audience what appears to be a very lovely, delectable meal. Nevertheless, one of them cannot simply 
bring me my requested Ranch Dressing??

I approach the first 5 servers. They look shocked!  Their faces reflect a response of “What is a guest doing back here?!!”

I simply ask, in as calm and non-annoyed voice as I can possibly muster,“May I please have some Ranch Dressing, preferably Low-Fat or Lite?”

No one responds. They all look at me, somewhat confused.  I state my request again, a bit more firmly this time, “I would like some Ranch Dressing, Please?!”

Still no response. I then notice that they are all Hispanic. Finally, one meek gentleman says,“No Hablo Inglés.”

I am now at to the end of my patience point. I announce, somewhat loudly, "Does anyone here speak English?!”

Abruptly, the Service Manager, whom I had been waiting for 10 minutes ago, steps out of his office to see what the commotion is all about.  He approaches me with a very embarrassed, red face. “Madame, may I help you?”

I state, “Uhm, like you were supposed to have helped me 10 minutes ago by bringing me my Ranch Dressing?!”

He states, “My humble apologies…I had delegated that task to be taken care of.” 

“Well, it has not been!” I shouted, uncontrollably upset at this point. “I am an Award Recipient!  I simply requested Ranch Dressing so that I could eat my salad before the ceremony! Is this too much to ask?!”

Although the Service Manager tries to immediately get the Ranch Dressing himself and calm me down, he is too late. I am so frustrated, that I storm out and trudge back down that long corridor, feet beginning to get a little achy, fuming! 

Oh, well….I finally compose myself and take a deep breathe…..the salad will just have to wait. I have an Award to receive!

As I near the Service Door, I hear the Master of Ceremonies, say:

"Her kindness, patience and tireless efforts in our community make this award most fitting. I am honored this afternoon to present the Distinguished Service Award to Janette McGowen!! “(APPLAUSE) “Unfortunately, Janette McGowen was here earlier, but had to leave. I gladly accept this award on her behalf.  Thank you all for your attendance and make it a great afternoon.”

I just stand there at that door…in complete shock!

I am too embarrassed and humiliated to go in until I see that all of the attendees have left the dining room. I quietly return to my table. My complete meal, including dessert is still there, patiently waiting for me. I sit down, put the napkin in my lap, bless my food again, and reach for the dressing that is at the table.

Sitting right in front of me… is a new, silver cup full of Ranch Dressing. 

Uhm…maybe even Balsamic Vinaigrette would have been fine after all….

Thought to Consider:  How many times have we been so obsessed with getting the “Ranch Dressing” in our lives that we:
                     Ignore that there was a small portion already at the table that may have been enough?
                     Dismiss the alternatives that we are presented with?
                     Disrespect others to get what we want when we want it?
                     Allow our impatience to result in our missing the important matters in our lives?

Note to Self:  “It’s just Ranch Dressing….” J

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