Saturday, May 24, 2014

“Down off the Pedestal”
Recently, I was giving advice to a dear friend in the midst of some relationship challenges. I shared with him the “female perspective.” I told him that when we women are in love, we can tend to do some irrational things. We can and will say and do some things that may be considered dumb, crazy, and foolish. We make mistakes.
I was shocked when he replied with honesty & sincerity, “But not you, Sister Janette. Why, I have always thought that you were a perfect Christian. You never sin or make mistakes.”
I humbly said, “Sweetie…that is far from the truth. I am going to need you to pull me off that pedestal. I am flawed. I ask the Lord DAILY for forgiveness of my sins in my thoughts, words, and actions. I have, do, and will make mistakes. I am imperfection personified. If you were to look up ‘imperfect’ in the dictionary, I would guess that my picture would appear!” J
What does it mean to put something "up on a pedestal"? A response on Yahoo! Answers revealed the following:
Mjolnir06 answered: This is an English saying that normally refers to "glorifying or idealizing" an individual or individuals. To "place" or put someone "up on" a pedestal means to have high expectations about how they should behave. It's not just with people in highly visible positions of responsibility (world leaders, famous stars, etc.), we also do it with our friends and family, and especially partners in a relationship. 
Usually the problem of putting someone up on a pedestal has little to do with who they are or what position they hold, but more commonly our expectations of someone put them there. When they don't live up to our expectations, we lose our respect for them. Sometimes people do put themselves up on a pedestal by condemning others. But being human is part of life and even if we want to hold people to their claims of sainthood, they may disappoint us. What is it that is disappointing to us? Is it disappointing because somehow it feels like they have lied to us? Yet, it should come as no surprise to us that all human beings are still human beings. But when someone doesn't live up to our expectations is it truthful to say that they are lying to us, or is it our expectations that are lying to us?
Often people put you up on a pedestal. Their thoughts are often revealed in language such as:
 “You think you are better than…”
“You act like you think you are better than…”
“Well, not everyone has it all together like you have…”
“You are all ‘Holier than Thou’…”
Unfortunately, we can slowly lift ourselves up on pedestals by being so judgmental of others.
I have to confess, I never thought I was perfect, but I boldly thought I had it all together and was in complete control of the direction of my life. I called myself a “Health Fanatic.” And when others would tell me how awesome, skilled, intelligent, professional, and compassionate I was, I guess I allowed my ego to run amuck & myself to be gently raised upon and held upon a pedestal.
However, after receiving the unexpected, devastating health diagnosis of MS and getting laid off of my job, all I could do was remember this nursery rhyme:
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.”
I felt shattered, broken, unrepairable, unlovable, “damaged goods,” and insignificant. The drop from my proverbial pedestal was a long, scary, and painful one.
Lessons Learned:
  • Don’t allow others to put you up on a pedestal.
  • The only one who ever walked this earth who was “perfect & sin-free” was Jesus Christ.
  • The higher you are lifted on that pedestal, the longer the drop.
  • The fall off the pedestal is very painful.
  • Oftentimes, the ones lifting you up on the pedestal will be the ones celebrating your fall.
  • Since no one is perfect, it can be very lonely up there, uplifted as someone you are not.
  • The only one who should be put up on a pedestal, revered, and obeyed is THE LORD.
“What people think about me is none of my business.” – unknown
“What God thinks about me is everything.”
“We must shift focus from pleasing Man to pleasing God.” 
If you or someone has “put you up on a pedestal” of perfection…step down off of it NOW…

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