Monday, June 23, 2014

“Critics Among Us”
The further down this road called Life that I travel, the more insights are revealed to me.
My life…the first 50 years of it…have been comprised of my taking various exits & back roads. These were not headed toward my intended destination…to be with my Heavenly Father.
I now realize that these were detours that I allowed others to tell me to travel. I have been going where others “believed” I should go, do, be, think, say, and write. Even now, I am “advised” how to manage my health challenges, primarily by those who don’t have any. Although well-intended, they are still directing me away from my destination.
We are all fairly accustomed to “Haters.” We expect them & are prepared to avoid them. But I was not prepared for what I call “critics.” These are people who I “assumed” were always in my corner…yet are quietly sharing unfavorable opinions about me, to my face & to others. It is masked as love, concern, and wisdom.
It often appears as:
“You probably shouldn’t have done that…”
“If I were you, I’d consider this…”
“Well, you may want to think about…”
“What you said/did appears to be hurtful to others…”
While striving to be a Christian, having my faith & integrity questioned and unsupported by other “Christians” has been very tough to absorb and manage.
Why do other Christians “cringe” when I say things like “I am being led to write,” or “The Lord is working through me right now.” (In fact, HE is.) Yet, we boldly sing hymns during worship such as “I Give Myself Away” or “I Surrender All,” with faith & conviction. These two emotions of unbelief & faith do not reconcile.
In the midst of my physical challenges, mental clarity has evolved.
Satan has proven to be more cunning than I ever realized. He knows he cannot get to me by having worldly “haters.” (I am too wise for that.)
He has tried to come to me in the form of “friends.” Those who said they were “Christians,” but are openly, defiantly disobedient & slowly trying to convince me that it is tolerable…then acceptable. When I rejected this, I was met with verbal reprimand & abandonment.
Next, he tried to treat me like Job, in the Bible. He attacked me physically with this MS, a diagnosis that causes me mobility challenges, body aches, and periodic waves of "moody blues." Yet, in the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, “Still, I Rise…”  It has revealed true supporters and people who are not. The “weeding out” process has been emotionally painful, but at least brutally honest.  "I had rather be devastated by the truth than mesmerized with a lie.” – Janette McGowen
Finally, he pulls out his “power punch”…coming to me in the form of people closest to me…quietly…in an attempt to move me away from being who God needs me to be. They are coming to me in the subtle forms of “Christian wisdom” and unsolicited advice. And when I don’t comply, I am tagged as being “too revealing”, “worldly,” and  even somewhat “sinful.”
Thankfully, the Bible has equipped me:
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV): 15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Galatians 4:16 (NKJV): 16 Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
John 8:32 (NKJV): 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Well, Satan, you have proven two things to me:
  1. How good you are…
  2. How GREAT GOD IS…
Current SCORE:  Me – 3;  Satan – 0
(I know the battles will be ongoing…some, I may lose…but with God on my side…the war is already won...)
When the Lord says to me in Proverbs 3:5- 6 (NKJV): 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your path,” I am going to do just that.
So to everyone…including the “Critics Among Us”…GOD and only GOD is directing my path…I may not understand the GPS route…but I do know the destination. J

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