Sunday, May 10, 2015

Reflections of Mother’s Day

 “Mother’s Day” is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. The celebration of Mother’s Day began in the United States in the early 20th Century.”
It is observed in the United States and many countries and occurs the 2nd Sunday of May.'s_Day

Traditionally, this holiday is celebrated by presenting mothers with cards, flowers, jewelry and various gifts.

It is considered one of the most church-attended Sundays of the year…often used in the acronym C.M.E. Visitor (Christmas-Mother’s Day-Easter.) 

Today, the title “Mother or Mom” takes on many roles. A few of these include:
“Soccer” Mom - The Mom who has a mini-van and takes her kids and neighbors’ kids to sporting events
“BFF” Mom - The Mom who is her daughters “best friend forever”
“Business Professional” Mom - The Mom who balances motherhood and a career
 “Mother-in-Chief” - Title that First Lady Michelle Obama gave her role as a mother in the White House
“Tiger” Mom - Term given to mothers who use strict discipline on their kids to be successful in school and life 
“Helicopter” Mom - The Mom who feels the need to handle everything for their kids, not allowing ample room for critical thinking  and decision-making

A Mother’s Day poll taken in 2004 named Claire Huxtable, matriarch of “The Cosby Show” the Best TV Mom. The role was played by actress, Phylicia Rashad, Claire Huxtable.  She was the witty, tough, no-nonsense mother of five who was also an attorney. Her TV husband, Cliff Huxtable, was played by Bill Cosby. The Cosby Show was a weekly staple in millions of homes for 8 years, until the NBC sitcom ended in 1992.

The term “mother” is used in the Bible 299 times, (King James Version) even as early as the beginning, “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” (Genesis 3:20); and even in Ephesians 6:2, “Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.” 

As for me, I want a Biblical, Spiritual Mom…a Praying Mom… A Mom Who loves GOD and then loves herself.

I am very blessed to have the Mother that I do. My mother, Nellie Ruth McGowan gave birth to a son; two years later, to fraternal twins (girl & boy); and five years later, to IDENTICAL TRIPLET girls! (I am #3) She has made many sacrifices for my siblings and me, all the while remaining married to my loving father for 58 years! (in June)

Here is a humble reflection of my mother and all mothers.
Reflections of My Mother

The love of a Mother
The smile on her face;
The kindness of her spirit;
The warmth of her embrace.

The firmness in her voice
The stern reprimand;
Her non-negotiable discipline
The respect her presence will demand

She’s the glue that bonds us together.
The one who is full of wisdom and care;
Her laughter is infectious;
Her insight and intuition are rare.

She’s the one who keeps us organized
She’s the taxi-cab and the cook;
The comforter and the encourager
Her value we often overlook.

She’s the confidante’ and the negotiator
The priceless voice-of-reason;
She’s my Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall;
She is consistent, no matter the season.

She’s not my Best Girl Friend
Not my Sister or my Brother;
She’s the one you can never replace
She’s my one and only Mother.

By Janette McGowen 

If you are blessed to still have a Mother or have fond memories of one, use this day to express to them how much they mean to you, either in actions or in a silent prayer.

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